25 November 2016

Adulterers (2016)

Film: Adulterers
Director: H.M. Coakley
Genre: Drama
My Rating: (2/10)

The only reason to watch this film, and I mean only, is to witness the train wreck that happens when this level of overacting meets camera work that is so intimate it feels dirty. Sean Faris leaves no pained facial expression unexplored and no extreme mood unswung. What results is a balmy treatise on marriage that is so over the top it feels comical.

Yosemite (2016)

Film: Yosemite
Director: Gabrielle Demeestere
Genre: Indie
Release Date: 1 January 2016
My Rating: (3/10) ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Understated to a fault, these loosely intertwined vignettes offer much less emotional impact than they seem to be striving for. Left me wondering if James Franco's childhood (upon which the film is based) was as achingly uneventful as the film implies. In a word: snoozecore